Monday, 10 December 2007

Is there something wrong with the world?

Is there something wrong with the world?
Is there something wrong with people?
Is there something wrong with life?
Is there something wrong with the universe?
Is there something wrong with all of it?
Is there something wrong?

Thursday, 11 October 2007

What are your current 3 favourite questions?

What are your current 3 favourite questions?

What questions do I not ask in public because they would reveal too much about myself?

What questions do I not ask in public because they would reveal too much about myself?

Sunday, 16 September 2007

Do you mind being a part of my site-stats?

Do you mind being a part of my site-stats?

How can you identify the people whose intentions are good?

How can you identify the people whose intentions are good?
How can you distinguish the people whose intentions are socially positive from the ones who are merely self-serving, or group/family/tribe-serving?
Which am I?
To what extent is it possible to act for the common good without damaging the interests of those closest to me?

Saturday, 25 August 2007

What now?

What now?

Friday, 24 August 2007

If I was someone else, how would I see the world differently?

If I was someone else, how would I see the world differently?
What is a better question?
How close is it possible to come to an understanding of the way someone else sees or experiences the world and life?
What is it like being an (x)?

Thursday, 23 August 2007

What is money?

What is money?
Is money something?
Is money a something?
Is it true that "money is debt"?

Monday, 13 August 2007

Who should I trust?

How do I know when to trust myself in the face of criticism?
At what point should I stop trusting myself?
Where does self-belief end, and foolishness begin?
What am I blind to?
How do I know when to trust the opinion of someone who is criticising me?
Who can I trust?
Who will trust me?
What will they trust me with regard to?

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Are rhetorical questions allowed on questions-only?

Are rhetorical questions allowed on questions-only?
For example: how many children and civilians have to suffer or die for the sake of a nation's pride or a culture's pride or a religion's or a people's pride?
Are examples allowed on questions-only?

Saturday, 4 August 2007

What is the relationship between sexuality and spirituality?

What is the relationship between sexuality and spirituality?
What could the relationship between sexuality and spirituality be?
Could bringing sexuality and spirituality together allow humanity to grow up and stop killing our children and civilians?

Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Why do we care about celebrities?

Why do we care about celebrities?

Could the world be a place where everyone's dreams came true?

Could the world be a place where everybody's dreams came true?
What if the world was a place where everybody's dreams came true?

Tuesday, 12 June 2007

What are the things that need to be said prior to "forgive yourself !" in order to make it possible to understand what "forgive yourself !" means?

What are the things that need to be said prior to "forgive yourself !" in order to make it possible to understand what "forgive yourself !" means?
What are the things that need to be said prior to "forgive yourself !" in order to make it possible to understand the value of forgiving yourself?
What are the things that need to be said prior to "forgive them !" in order to make it possible to understand the value of forgiving them?

Monday, 11 June 2007

Is it possible to end all (or nearly all) human suffering?

Is it possible to end all (or nearly all) human suffering?
If so within what timescale?
Next 50 years?
Next 100 years?
What steps does humanity need to take to end all human suffering?

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Are they as gorgeous as me?

Are they as gorgeous as me?

Sunday, 3 June 2007

Is the world anything like I think it is?

Is the world like I think it is?
Are people how I think they are?
Is what I think is going on actually what is going on?
Is the world anything like I think it is?
Is the world anything like you think it is?
Is the world anything like they think it is?

Friday, 25 May 2007

What do you think about life?

What do you think about life?

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Who am I blogging for?

Who am I blogging for?
What am I blogging for?
Why am I bloggin?

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Is today a good day to die?

Is today a good day to die?
Is winning the game more or less important than playing a game worth playing?

Monday, 7 May 2007

Could I love someone as arrogant as me?

Could I love someone as arrogant as me?
If I was someone else, could I love someone as arrogant as me?
If I was someone else, could I love me?

Thursday, 3 May 2007

Out of any of the things I am working on, which of them is worth working on?

Out of any of the things I am working on, which of them is worth working on?
What am I working on which is worth working on?
What am I working on which inspires me?
Out of any of the things that I am working on, do any of those things actually inspire me?
Do I consider any of those things to be worth working on?
If so which ones are worth working on?

Tuesday, 1 May 2007

What else do you have a hole in?

Me Originally uploaded by boee.

What else do you have a hole in?

Sunday, 29 April 2007

Who or what is the "holy ghost"?

I sort of get "god, the father", and "god the son", but who or what is the "holy ghost" / "holy spirit"?

Friday, 27 April 2007

Why is code generation so powerful?

Why is code generation so powerful?

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Who is asking the question?

Who is asking the question?
Who wants to know?

What is the difference between nothing and everything?

What is the difference between everything and nothing?
What is a difference between nothing and everything useful for?
Why would I be interested in a difference between nothing and everything?
Is this the same question?

Monday, 23 April 2007

How loud is the silence?

Is it like the silence of transcendance?
Or is it some other kind of silence?
What kind of silence is it?

Where do I begin?

Where do I begin?
How do I begin?
What do I begin?
What is motivation?

Sunday, 8 April 2007


Why write a blog where every posting consists entirely of questions?
Why would anyone do that?
What is the value of a blog like that?
Does it have any value?

Saturday, 31 March 2007

What are the strategic points of leverage?

What are the strategic points of leverage?
Am I safe?
Will I survive?

What is missing for universal love?

What is missing for universal love to spontaneously break out all over the world?
What is spiritual leadership?
Who is providing spiritual leadership in the world today?
How can you measure the effects of spiritual leadership?
How can you tell if spiritual leadership is working?
What is ecstatic union?
Can designing a relationship with the eternal provide access to ecstatic union?

Tuesday, 27 March 2007

What is so horrible about this thing that you hate?

What is so horrible about this thing that you hate?
What else don't you like?
What else do you like?
What is your favourite whatever?
What is your favourite category of "What's your favourite .... ?"
What makes you "tick" - apart from, or including, the obvious?
What makes you laugh?
What do you like to have for breakfast?
What are cows?
How many budhists does it take to change a lightbulb?

Tuesday, 13 March 2007

What would a world be like in which all human relationship occured in the light of our relationship with the eternal?

What would a world be like in which all human relationship occured in the light of our relationship with the eternal?
What would it be like living in a world where human violence only occurred between consenting adults?

Sunday, 11 March 2007

How can we make the world a better place?

How can we make the world a better place?
How can I help?
How can I make life better for the people I interact with on a regular basis?
Does who I am make any difference?
Who am I?
Is it possible to create who I am in such a way that who I am makes life better for the people I interact with on a regular basis?
What motivation do I have for doing that?
What motivation do I hae for doing anything?
What is my motivation for any given action I take?

Saturday, 10 March 2007

Is less more?

Is less more?
Is more less?
More or less?

Friday, 9 March 2007

Am I innocent?

When you look into the eyes of the ghost rider, you get to experience all the pain and suffering you ever caused other people: what pain and suffering have I caused?
Did I sell my soul for love, or did I sell my soul for lust and greed?
What did I sell my soul for?
Is lust and greed bad?
Innocent people have nothing to fear from the Ghost Rider: How sinless do you have to be to count an innocent?

Thursday, 8 March 2007

How does the world seem to be?

How does the world seem to be?

Are we approaching a singularity?

Are we approaching a singularity or a whole number of singularities?
What will life be like on the other side of those singularities?
When will the expansion of human knowledge and understanding reach a singularity and become effectively infinite?
Are we on the verge of a global transformation in human consciousness?
Will we survive long enough to see a global transformation in human consciousness occur?
What can I do to support the advent of a global transformation in human consciousness?
Who knows about this?

Monday, 5 March 2007

What does it mean to love myself?

What does it mean to love myself?
What is love?

How to love this world?

How to love this world?
How do I love this world?
How can I love this world?

Saturday, 10 February 2007

What do people want?

What do people want?

Monday, 5 February 2007

What day is it?

What planet am I on?

Sunday, 4 February 2007

Is anyone actually reading this blog?

Why doesn't anyone ever post any comments?
Is this blog boring or trivial?
Or what is it?
Is this too far outside most people's radar?
Does it seem to be naive or adolescent?
Or is it too middle aged, for most people's tastes?
Or is it just too much effort writing comments?
Do I have my comments settings set correctly?
Does anyone want to be added as a contributor?

Saturday, 3 February 2007

What am I not yet questioning?

What am I not yet questioning?
What is there that I never question?
What do I assume about life and never doubt it?
What is so obviously true that I never think to consider that it might not be true?
What do I never question?

Where do I draw the line between private and public?

Where do I draw my lines between what I reveal in public, and what I keep private?
In the age of Big Brother and Paris Hilton (the girl not the hotel), is there anything that is an unacceptable part of public discourse?
Is there anything that I should not reveal?
What are the dangers of being too public?
Is it more dangerous to be caught somewhere in the middle between anonymity and celebrity?
More dangerous than at either of the ends?
How can I make any difference to anything without being public?
Is there anybody out there?

Friday, 2 February 2007

What is the greatest mystery facing humankind?

What is the greatest mystery facing humankind?
What are the top 100 greatest mysteries facing humankind?
Do these mysteries have any baring on the quality of life for people?
Will there ever be an end to mystery?
Do the questions of philosophers make any difference?
Can the questions of philosophers be made to serve real human needs and desires?
Are some questions by virtue of their nature unanswerable?
Is there a set of questions that shape my life?
What is the set of questions that shape my life?
What is the set of questions that shape your life?
Could I get to choose these questions for myself?

What is a question?

What is a question?

Does the answer always turn out to be the question?

What if the question is a question about questions... then does the answer turn out to be the question, or the questions that the question is about?
Is this the most rubbish entry I have posted so far?

Sunday, 28 January 2007

Chocolate pudding

If chocolate pudding is the answer, what is the question?

Cold Leftovers for breakfast the next day
Originally uploaded by notreallyrelevant.

Saturday, 27 January 2007

What really matters?

What matters?
What is important?
What is significant?
What is fundamental?
What is doubting myself useful for?

Have I run out of questions?

Where does the capacity to ask questions come from?
Is it possible to develop the capacity to ask questions?
Is it possible to refine the capacity to ask questions?
Is it possible to invent new questions?
Is it possible to invent new questions that have never been asked before, and yet questions which are immediate meaningful to people?

Tuesday, 23 January 2007

Why should you trust me?

What is trust?
Why should I trust you?
Should I trust you?

Saturday, 13 January 2007

If I buy the car, will I get the girl?

Moscow International Automobile Salon
If I buy the car, will I get the girl?

Moscow International Automobile Salon

Am I lonely?

Am I lonely?
What aspects of my life are growth and development and what aspects are business as usual?
Are you lonely?
Where do I belong?
Where do you belong?

Friday, 12 January 2007

Do I have my head up my own arsehole?

Do I have my head up my own arsehole?
What is self-doubt useful for?
To what extent is it healthy to doubt myself?
Would I achieve more if I doubted less?
What measurements of my own performance should I value?
What measurements of my own performance should I adopt as "my measurements"?
What about the state of the world would it be valuable to be measuring?
Or what measurements of the state of the world, would it be valuable to be paying more attention to, or less attention to?
What measurements of my own performance would it be valuable to be paying more attention to, or less attention to?

Thursday, 11 January 2007

Do I care what people think of me?

Do I care what people think of me?
Did I ought to care?

Wednesday, 10 January 2007

Why are people so easily offended?

Am I getting anywhere?
Does it matter if I'm not?
Why are people so easily offended?
Are there people who don't get offended by very much?
How did they get to be like that?
How easy is it to offend me?
What do I get offended about?
What do you get offended by or about?
What is getting offended useful for?
What is the outcome of getting offended?
What is the function of getting offended?
Does getting offended have something to do with survival?
Does getting offended have something to do with dying?
Why does death and dying seem to be so significant?

Saturday, 6 January 2007

What do you do purely for enjoyment?

What do you do for enjoyment's sake?
What do you do purely for enjoyment?
What do you enjoy about it?
What do I do purely for enjoyment's sake?
What do I enjoy about it?

what makes an invitation inviting?

what makes an invitation inviting?
to what extent should society uphold the freedom of speech?
what would i sell my soul for?

Wednesday, 3 January 2007

What does anyone have to do ...

to get a coffee, round here?

Tuesday, 2 January 2007

How do you stop a question from becoming an answer?

How do you stop a question from becoming an answer?
Do I take myself too seriously?
Do I take life too seriously?
How would life be better or different if I didn't?
Is your life better than mine?
If it is then why don't you do something about that?
Who is there that needs your help?
Why don't you help them?