Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Could world war one have been prevented from happening?

Could world war one have been prevented from happening?
If so who could have prevented it?
How many people would have had to be different or have different motivations for it to have been prevented?
Did anyone notably try to prevent it happening?

Could it have been stopped sooner than it was?
If so who could have stopped it?
How many people would have had to be different or have different motivations for it to have been stopped sooner?
Did anyone notably try to stop it sooner?

What would it be like living in a world where people were celebrated for their intentions rather than for their successes?

Monday, 15 December 2008

Whose website is it anyway?

Whose website is it anyway?
If Karl Marx was right that "all property is theft", does it follow that "all intellectual property is also theft"?
Is all intellectual property theft?