Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Could world war one have been prevented from happening?

Could world war one have been prevented from happening?
If so who could have prevented it?
How many people would have had to be different or have different motivations for it to have been prevented?
Did anyone notably try to prevent it happening?

Could it have been stopped sooner than it was?
If so who could have stopped it?
How many people would have had to be different or have different motivations for it to have been stopped sooner?
Did anyone notably try to stop it sooner?

What would it be like living in a world where people were celebrated for their intentions rather than for their successes?

Monday, 15 December 2008

Whose website is it anyway?

Whose website is it anyway?
If Karl Marx was right that "all property is theft", does it follow that "all intellectual property is also theft"?
Is all intellectual property theft?

Friday, 21 November 2008

Is there really such a thing as "bad language"?

Is there really such a thing as "bad language"?
What is it that makes some words "bad" as opposed to not "bad"?
Is bad language really bad or is it just a social contrivance?
When does protecting the public from being offended cross the line into censorship, blandness, and oppression.
Are forces for censorship within the the BBC using the Russell Brand / Johnathan Ross / Georgina Baillie / Andrew and Melody Sachs affair as an opportunity to impose harsh censorship on live freedom of speech?
Or not?
Should we be scared of the increasing level of censorship and political correctness?
Or not?
Isn't there a difference between using words which are considered in and of themselves to be inately offensive and being nasty or cruel or unkind or defamatory to or about a person?

Monday, 17 November 2008

What questions are more powerful than the ones I am already asking?

What questions are more powerful than the ones I am already asking?
What are the most powerful questions known to human beings?
What is power?
What makes a question more or less powerful?
Where do I go to find the most powerful questions known to humankind?
Why would I want to find more powerful questions?
Why would I be interested in power?
What is the most important lesson of history?
What is the difference between power and empowerment?
What is empowerment?

Could education be designed to fulfil destiny?

Could education be designed to be a fulfillment of destiny?
How could education be designed so that existed for people as a resource to fulfil their destiny?
What would education look like if it was designed to be the fulfilment of destiny?
What difference would it make in the lives of children if they were born into a world where education was designed to be a resource to fulfil their destiny?
What difference would it make to me as an individual or the community that I am a part of it education was designed to be a resource for the fulfillment of destiny?

Sunday, 16 November 2008

Is a blog that is composed entirely of questions too intimidating for most people?

Is a blog that is composed entirely of questions too intimidating for most people?

What unites us as human beings?

What unites us as human beings?

Friday, 5 September 2008

How do you find a memory leak in an XNA Windows Forms application?

How do you find a memory leak in an XNA Windows forms application?
Does anybody know?

Sunday, 24 August 2008

How can I escape from being a cliche?

How can I escape from being a cliche?

Is the attempt to escape just more of the cliche?
Does trying to escape make me even more of a cliche?

Is it possible to escape from being a cliche?
Is there anybody who isn't a cliche?
Does it matter if I'm just another cliche?
Who do I know who isn't a cliche?
Is nobody really a cliche once you get to know them?
Why do we all trade so heavily in stereo-types?
Is it possible to relate to strangers outside of stereo-types?

What is context?

What is context?
Does context matter?
Am I paying any attention to the context in which I speak?

Friday, 15 August 2008

How do I increase my web traffic?

How do I increase my web traffic?
Do I really want to increase my web traffic?
How much attention is a good amount to get?
Is it possible to get too much attention?

Friday, 8 August 2008

Have I asked this question before?

Have I asked this question before?

What does "zigga zig ah" mean?

What does "zigga zig ahhhh" mean?
Did I spell it right or should it be "zigger zig ah" or "zigazig ha" or "zigazig-a" or "ziga zig ah"?
Is it rude?
Does it have more than one meaning?
Can it mean different things to different people?

Thursday, 3 July 2008

Why is poetry not "mainstream"?

Why are sales of poetry books so small compared to novels?
Why is something that is so important to me, of no interest to a large majority of people?
Why does poetry have such a "bad press"?
Did Eliot and Pound destroy the widespread cultural enjoyment of poetry?
Has popular enjoyment of poetry moved into Rap, pop music and comic verse stand-up?
What about middle-brow poetry?
Why isn't there a market for poetry that lies somewhere between Eliot an Eninem on the one hand or Eliot and Hegley on the other?
Do the notable success stories like David Whyte show a way to a rebirth of interest?
Or are they just exceptions that prove the rule?

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

What questions are missing?

What questions are we not asking?
What quesitons is humanity not asking?
What questions are missing?
What questions are we not asking which it would be good if we did ask?
What questions is humanity not asking itself which if it did ask would make the world better?
What questions are missing for the end of violence?
What questions are we not asking which if we did ask would help to bring about the end of violence?
What questions are missing for the end to poverty and chronic persistence hunger?
What questions are missing which are needed to bring about a world where the oportunity to fulfil all basic needs is available?
What questions are missing to support the elevation of human consciousness?

What would it be like living in a world without violence?

What would it be like living in a world without violence?

Monday, 24 March 2008

How do you recruit support to help find solutions to wicked problems?

Remembering the definition of a "wicked problem" (technical term, see: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wicked_problems - roughly speaking a "wicked problem" is one that has no definitive formulation, in other words you don't know precisely what the problem is until after it has been solved.)... how can you or I recruit people to work on wicked problems?

How do we go about recruiting people to work on problems with no definitive formulation?

Monday, 7 January 2008

How awake am I?

How awake am I?